Apr. 1, 2016
Cloudy Confidence
I had one of those days where the big gray clouds of doubt started creeping in.
I confided in a friend how inadequate I was feeling. I told her that I have a business degree, not an English degree. I have only ever worked in advertising not writing. I'm under-qualified. I've just had a good streak of luck with my blog and luck doesn't last long term. What the heck am I even doing?
Her response, "You are a complete idiot.".......
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You need to put this on Facebook with an everyday post!
My website is authorsheaven.simplesite.com
I dont know how you write so well. But you do. Im a ten year old trying to write stories and i'd absoulutely LOVE if you could check out my website and give me some tips...please?
aw thankyou!